

Logistics for Business and Travel Related Services

Local Public Transport Initiatives In recent years, efficient and affordable public transit - in the form of bus rapid transit, micro transit, subways, elevated and other rail services and trolley cars – for urban, suburban and intercity service have been debated, studied and in some instances implemented. Our itineraries include major US cities with established commuter and regional service as well as communities that are implementing new transit programs.
Public Transport and Transit Oriented Development
Transportation Infrastructure is the backbone of a community. A reduced dependence on the automobile enables land use planning that reduces household transportation costs and frees up space for transit, pedestrian, and bike systems as well as rationalizing the use of existing infrastructure.
Transit Oriented Development transportation is the second-highest household expense; access to transit enhances access to the workplace and schools. TOD not only benefits new and existing residents, but also businesses, transit agencies, local governments, merchants, and developers.
Transit Solutions and Location Efficient Communities
Location Efficiency is defined as communities with walkable streets, access to transit, proximity to jobs, mixed land uses, and concentrations of retail and services achievable with policies like free transit passes and car-sharing as well as planning tools that identify land parcels under development and calculate the benefits of locating in a walkable community near existing transit facilities, allowing
Developers and Local Public Officials to identify traffic reduction strategies by location, design and the amount of parking needed in support of smart, well-located developments during the development review process as well as engage residents and contribute to future neighborhood planning.
Walking Biking and Land Use Planning
Walking and Biking nearly 20 percent of auto-related fatalities involve pedestrians and bicyclists. Walking and bicycling can be made safer at dangerous intersections, streets, sidewalks as well as for wheelchair users by utilizing existing planning tools.
Land Use Planning decisions help determine ways to reduce housing and other costs for families living in places with good public transportation and ameliorate costly and time-consuming commutes.
Ways and Means
A Platform containing Marketing and Sales Services, Project Management Systems, Community Data Bases, Training and other resources tasked with establishing and/or enhancing local capabilities in Travel and Logistics.
Benefits & Advantages include the economies of scale generated by collaborations among communities, a focus on high-end tourism clients, the application of a trade routes approach leading to groups of clients traveling to multiple locations during a business or vacation trip, redundancies generated by multiple areas of focus – logistics, travel services, energy and conservation related activities.
 Transit Logistics
Local Resources Directories with links to local history, museums, accommodations, itineraries, events, transport, guides, health care facilities as well as energy and conservation data featuring local projects, suppliers and management tools.

Un Viaggio nel Sud Dakota

laghi glaciali praterie pionieri nativi americani e architettura nel centro del Vecchio West

Il Sud Dakota e’ composto da quattro regioni: I laghi glaciali e le praterie nel Nordest, il Sudest, i grandi laghi e le Badlands ad Ovest del fiume Missouri.  
Aberdeen e’ la principale cittadina del Nordest. Abitata dai Sioux prima dell’arrivo degli Europei verso il 1820. Come tanti altri centri del Midwest, Aberdeen e’ stata sviluppata intorno alle ferrovie costruite dopo la Guerra Civile; le abitazioni e gli edifici pubblici presentano una combinazione di architettura moderna e classica.
Fort Sisseton Historic State Park Rievoca le Tradizioni dei Nativi Americani Pionieri e la Cavalleria USA
Nicollet Tower, una struttura alta 75 piedi che porta il nome dell’ esploratore francese Joseph Nicollet che visito’ questo territorio nel 1839, offer un panorama mozzafiato che copre tre stati.
Watertown, la citta’ dei laghi, e’ anche rinomata per lo Zoo Bramble Park ed il centro per le arti Terry Redin, ritenuto tra gli artisti piu’ popolari degli Stati Uniti. 
Brookings e’ un piccolo centro universitario con diversi musei tra cui un Museo d’Arte, il Museo dei Bambini ed il Museo delle Tradizioni Agricole I Giardini McCrory sono considerati tra I 10 migliori giardini botanici del paese 10 small botanical gardens in the United States. South Dakota State University e’ un centro per la ricerca dell’ agricoltura e la produzione sul campus di ottimi gelati e formaggi. both made at the university.
De Smet e’ famosa per Little House on the Prairie, il libro di avventura dei pionieri di Laura Ingalls Wilder. Potrai visitare Ingalls Homestead e diversi altri luoghi resi famosi da questa rinomata autrice.

Visita il Sud Dakota con Knowledge Tourism

Sioux Falls e’ la Principale Citta’ del Sud Dakota
Il Museo Nazionale della Musica, con sede nella cittadina di Vermillion, contiene oltre 13.500 strumenti musicali rari mentre il Museo W.H. Over Museum specializza nella storia naturale e culturale di questo stato.
Yankton e’ stata la prima capitale del Territorio del Dakota. Gli esploratori Lewis e Clark furono trai I primi a visitare il territorio. Oggi, l’omonimo lago offre molteplici attivita’ recreative all’aperto. Da visitare: il Museo Territoriale del Dakota e diverse abitazioni private con notevoli pregi architettonici.
Il Centro Culturale e Museo Akta Lakota Chamberlain-Oacoma
Il Buffalo Interpretive Center una esperienza formativa sulla storia del buffalo e l’effetto sulla cultura delle tribu’ native americane mentre Badlands National Park copre 97,600 ettari.
Nel 1743 a Fort Pierre il Territorio del Sud Dakota fu dichiarato parte della Francia
Rapid City e’ centralmente ubicata per visitare le Black Hills, Mount Rushmore, il Memoriale a Crazy Horse, il Museo Indiano del Nord America, Custer State Park e le Badlands. La citta’ contiene due distretti storici; al centro, potrai visitare palazzi come la First National Bank, risalente al 1914, mentre il distretto residenziale nella parte Ovest di Rapid City presenta esempi di architettura del XIX ed I primi del XX secolo nell’arco di 18 isolati. Da non perdere, diversi piccolo comuni ricchi di storia, tra cui:
Keystone, un borgo di montagna con delle miniere d’oro dismesse;
Hill City e' raggiungibile con un treno storico che risale al 1880 per ammirare le opera di artisti del luogo e degustare i vini particolari della Cantina Prairie Berry;
Deadwood e’ la piu’ rinomata delle cittadine del Vecchio West. Al cimitero di Mount Moriah riposano Wild Bill Hickok e Calamity Jane. Deadwood continua la sua fama di spregiudicatezza con i suoi ben 80 casino’ ma offre anche importanti attivita’ recreative all’aperto come la Mikelson Trail, un percorso per bici e passeggio lungo oltre 109 miglia, che attraversa le mitiche Black Hills.


Social Networking, Southern Italian Style!

family travel Italy small towns Naples
A travel client from my home town of Philadelphia visited for the first time the place in Southern Italy where his parents came from; he was accompanied on the trip by 14 family members spanning three generations.
One of the objectives of the trip was to find and meet his relatives and, over the course of several months, we inquired without success by phone and in person with the local officials of this small town to identify these relations. We were told to seek additional documentation such as marriage certificates to speed-up the search, which we did, but without results.
When our client finally arrived in the town, he went to the municipality where he was promptly invited to return in the afternoon. More of the same! While waiting to return, he and several family members decided to go to a nearby restaurant; here, over a leisurely Southern Italian lunch, he explained his predicament to the host who volunteered to accompany him to his afternoon appointment as well as ask around regarding his relatives.
At the town hall, prompted by the restaurant owner it was finally revealed that most paper records were lost in a flood some years back! Meanwhile, the informal Southern Italian style search quickly paid off as a few relatives where identified and contacted. It turns out the family house in the town was in the same neighborhood as the restaurant and the town hall - a small town and a small world!
When my patient and savvy client recounted this experience and how his family went on to have a pleasant stay getting together on numerous occasions with the local family members, I said to myself all is well that ends well; but there is more to this story.
I have heard this happen over and over in Italy and elsewhere; it once happened to me too in Naples when a shopkeeper left a store full of customers and personally escorted me to one of those impossible to find addresses in the old quarter of the city. When I reminded him of his store full of customers, he just shrugged and replied that they could wait!
What is it about these people! Why are they so gracious and attentive in these times of unreturned calls and emails, unresponsive bureaucrats and others who think they can “app” their way around town and life?
I can think of several reasons; they all revolve around words and themes such as respect, responsibility, values and culture. You are cordially invited to post your views and true stories on communities, travel and related topics.